2021 Annual Letter - Sri Anumakonda
reflecting on key learnings + experiences that i've had in 2021
Hey! In case you didn’t know, I recently published my 2021 annual letter over on medium going over my learnings + experiences that I’ve had so far.

As more of a general/life update, I’ve decided to switch up to fundamentals + understanding the math. I’ve realized that there are a lot of holes in my understanding which I want to fill up and am currently doing that via a study group w/ my friends + self-studying calculus + khan academy :)
I’m grateful to everyone who’s been reading my newsletter over the past year and a half. I’ve learned SO much and have met >80% of the people reading my newsletter. Right now, I’m at 89 subscribers - the goal is to get to 250 subscribers end of year and also have a conversation with every single subscriber. Everybody has an interesting story and I’d love to learn + get advice on what I’m building.
See you on the flip side ✌